December 1 - 3, 2024 | Fri 5-9pm, Sat and Sun 11-7pm

Prior to jumping head first and wholeheartedly into your journey as a lover and sharer of the practice, did anyone ever speak to you about protecting your internal peace? There are an infinite amount of beautiful things that we gain as practitioners and teachers of this practice but also things that we need to be mindful of in order to protect our internal landscape. If you have ever questioned or found yourself seeking balance and are unsure of how or why you lost it in the first place, this weekend is for you. Join a group of other dedicated teachers as we discuss the nitty gritty and day to day challenges that we all face.

It doesn't matter if you have been teaching for six months or six years, whether you work for one studio or for yourself.  Teaching yoga can be physically, mentally and emotionally draining.  As yoga teachers we need to be proactive in taking care of our mental health to prevent burnout, exhaustion, resentment or injury. Join Jackie Hughes for an interactive weekend full of lecture, discussion, practical application and community where we share, support, and learn ways to proactively manage our mental health and well being.

Topics will range from how to find balance in your personal practice and teaching schedule, how to find inspiration when you feel empty or overwhelmed, how to create healthy boundaries and how to create safe space for you and your students to evolve. As teachers we all face similar experiences and challenges but rarely are we gifted an opportunity to share a weekend discussing the ups and downs of sharing something we all care so much about. Join us in creating a community of teachers that will last much longer than a three day weekend.  

Plan to dress in comfortable clothes that allow you to move and meditate comfortably. Teachers outside of our 300 RYT track are welcome to attend this workshop. Instructors outside of the 300 hour teacher training, this workshop does qualify for 20 hours of continuing education through the Yoga Alliance.