July 26 - 28, 2024 | Fri 5-9pm, Sat and Sun 11-7pm

Join Carrie Tyler for a weekend of philosophical exploration into The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The study of this ancient text is the foundation of yoga philosophy and the backbone of our practice. Sutra literally translates as "thread," and this powerful text weaves together 195 short aphorisms that serve as a guide to attaining self-realization through the practice of yoga. Spend the weekend learning the translation of the key sutras and discover how they can be applied to your yoga practice and daily life.   

Plan to dive deep into your understanding of the eight-limb path of yoga from ethics to enlightenment. We will also cover the essential sutras within each of the four chapters and their relationship to the dualistic philosophy of Samkhya, which defines 25 elements that evolve progressively from each other to explain the macrocosm and microcosm of the human experience. We will devote time to reading, translating, discussing, and journaling. In addition, there will be breaks for movement, breathwork, and meditation to create space for absorption of the material and time to reflect on how the Sutras show up in your daily practice.  

The depth of this transformative text can seem overwhelming as a self-study, so it can be helpful to demystify the content with a group of equally curious practitioners. No previous experience with the Sutras is necessary; all are welcome! This workshop is open to teachers and students and is available for YA CEUs. Plan to dress in comfortable clothes that allow you to move and meditate comfortably.