March 22 - 24, 2024 | Fri 5-9pm, Sat and Sun 11-7pm

Join us for a weekend of exploration beyond our physical form. Although most of us most deeply identify with our human body from a physical perspective, so much power and integration are available through understanding and studying our more subtle and energetic qualities. Learn how to utilize breathwork, chanting, meditation, and asana to connect more deeply to these layers within the self.

Carrie Tyler will guide this weekend of subtle body and energetic study. The primary focus will be on the seven chakras from both the Eastern and Western perspectives. The power of vibration, sound, meditation, and internal awareness will bring you closer to balance as you explore each energy channel and its surrounding nadis. You will develop a new language for accessing your own subtle body and acquire a profound understanding that wholeness and wellness require attention to more than our physical form.  

This course is a recommended prerequisite for the Sacred Geometry and Kundalini weekend workshops. Plan to dress in comfortable clothing that will allow you to move and meditate. Students and teachers are welcome to attend this workshop. For Instructors outside of the 300-hour teacher training, this workshop does qualify for 20 hours of continuing education through the Yoga Alliance.