February 9-11, 2024 | Fri 5-9pm, Sat and Sun 11-7pm

Most of us were able to expand our knowledge of the human body and the mechanics of movement in our 200 hour training. Beyond that textbook information we have learned to digest, observe and apply that broadband of information to our teaching of asana. As our experience and knowledge grows so does our ability to learn, absorb and share MORE. Join Aaron Hosking during this weekend immersion in anatomy, physiology, mobility + human movement mechanics as it is applied to the physical practice of yoga.  

At its most beautiful and basic definition, yoga is a practice that allows us to use our human bodies to more deeply connect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual truths.  By creating space to study and better understand how different physical systems function to create this yoking we can better guide our students to this place of wholeness.  Aaron will guide lecture and discussion on how the body moves and functions in a space of stability and strength.  He will explain and speak to the alignment in certain shapes and how to safely and effectively apply this knowledge to safely guide and cue all levels classes.  

After learning the difference and the benefits of flexibility, strength, mobility, stability and how these relate to the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory system we will work together to apply this information to your sequencing and cueing.  Better understanding the art and science of movement in the human body will open up a new perspective in how you lead your all level classes and your private sessions.  This is a class that every 200 hour certified yoga instructor should take to broaden their understanding of the why behind the how.  

Reading material and a manual will be sent out prior to our weekend workshop. Plan to dress in comfortable clothes that allow you to move and explore comfortably. Students and teachers are welcome to attend this workshop. Instructors outside of the 300 hour teacher training, this workshop does qualify for 20 hours of continuing education through the Yoga Alliance.